About JiveTec
IT taped to processes
We are business consultants - our focus is efficiency.
As process consultants, we are used to think of connections from the end: When we leave your company, you should process faster, more elegant, also more customer-oriented, more transparent or simply with less effort. Such specific requirements we define together with the client at the customer and then perform a special kind of focused problem analysis. This AgilConsulting determines the further course of the project significantly: because employees and developers at work gain their first experiences, solutions be prevented from the start that prove only at the end to be wrong. Thus, the way to sustainable solutions is shortened considerably and we involve your employees at an early stage and make them part of the solution.
We think process-oriented, i.e., our solutions are less than isolated systemic solutions (comprehensive sustainability) and we include all resources and tools in a new design in your company. Regardless of whether Debtor management in large catering, R&D budget controlling of a pharmaceutical company, project management structures of an IT service provider or procurement of C articles within automotive: JiveTec has restructured the functional process, starting from the first kick to delivery of its result and implemented missing software support.
Your business is unique (which we hear again and again), of course. On the other hand, objectives like more customer focus, shorter lead times, higher material availability, shorter processing time, etc. get repeated over and over again, so that identifiable sub-processes of corporate cross-functions should be ready for some sort of standardization.
As a novice in your company, our eyes are open for the friendly small frills of your organic structure and we understand to cut out the frills along the pain threshold of your goals.
Information technology is nothing more than a tool for us. We analyze processes being the efficient combination of manual labor and its electronic support. The difference that JiveTec makes is that we check the quality of this bottomline result of collaboration of people and IT in its relevant characteristics (speed, elegance, effort, etc.), that we possibly improve results and are not just selling more IT. We do not electrify any bad processes, but we integrate separate processes with the help of IT to efficient process structures without double activities and with a lot of information output.
We serve as a sparring partner for your ideas and incorporate our experience of best-practice processes into the discussion with you. Together with you, we lay down a meaningful and viable development path for your company in a constructive dialogue. Solutions of JiveTec are usually a mix of new business processes, sometimes a new task order, and often appropriate software support at selected points of the process.
Our focus is the medium-sized business, but we have long been advising in the corporate world in banking, manufacturing, telco or pharma. Our skills include organization development, methodology for software selection, software development for the Web and Small-Screen clients, SQL database development, ERP systems, networks. Based on many years of project experience in banking, JiveTec can rely on the special expertise in processes in investment and retail banking and implementation experience in SWIFT, Kondor+ interfaces and LoanIQ. And in the past JiveTec has made a number of projects in controlling which gives us a third career.
We are pleased about your no-obligation contact at any time. Please note also our sparring hotline, where you can discuss your current ideas and seek a second opinion.